
Everyone can leave a legacy and foundation staff and volunteers will be pleased to talk to you about how you can do that. We can help identify your interests and work with you to develop strategies to suit your situation. It is very easy to set up a fund in the Brant Community Foundation.

Minority Family

The Brant Community Foundation offers a full range of gift-giving options including planned giving. Establishing a fund is simple and often provides significant tax benefits. Of course, a donor may always make a contribution without establishing a fund.

For assistance to set up a fund or to make a gift please contact the Executive Director at 519-756-2499 or email us.

How to Give

We accept donations to any established funds, such as community funds, in-memoriam funds, and funds benefiting seniors, youth, and the environment, among others. 

If you are interested in starting your own fund, click here for information about types of funds and how to start one . Contact us if you have any questions or wish more information.

Easy steps to making a gift to existing funds at the Brant Community Foundation

Once you’ve decided on the amount you would like to contribute and what assets to give, the steps are easy.

  1. Download and complete the Donor-Direction Card or ask the office to send you a card.
  2. Mail or drop off the donor direction card with a cheque or credit card authorization to:

    Brant Community Foundation
    20 Corporate Place, Unit B
    Brantford, ON N3R 8A6

  3. Or if you prefer to make a gift of securities contact the office for account information.
Donation Options Charitable Tax Credit How
Cash, Cheque or Credit Card YES Gifts of any amount are welcomed. Cash, Visa, Master Card, or cheque made out to Brant Community Foundation. Donor card must be completed to indicate how you would like donation directed.
Marketable Securities YES
There are improved tax credits for securities transferred to the foundation rather than cashing them in and making a donation of cash
Have your broker contact the Brant Community Foundation office for account information. Transactions will be finalized within a few days.
Insurance Policy YES
  1. A charitable receipt will be paid to the estate.
  2. A charitable receipt will be issued annually for the amount of the payments.
  3. A charitable receipt will be issued in the amount of the surrender value of the policy.
Three options are available:
  1. Name the Brant Community Foundation as beneficiary of an existing policy.
  2. Purchase the policy for the Brant Community Foundation.
  3. Transfer the policy to the Brant Community Foundation.
Bequests YES
After death in your final tax return and return for the preceding year
A gift from a will can be a specific amount or the residue of an estate. Talk to the Brant Community Foundation and to prepare a contract to ensure that your wishes for the fund are documented.