Investing in the Foundation, investing in our community…


Investing in the Foundation, is investing in our community…

The Brant Community Foundation is a charity for charities, helping make a lasting difference in our community.  We are staffed by members of our community and led by a local Board of Directors.

The Foundation helps community organizations make a difference by providing them with funds for new programs, capital needs, scholarships awards and much more.

When you make a donation or gift to the Foundation, we invest that gift into a permanent endowment fund and your gift is held in perpetuity.

There are several ways to join us in making a difference in our community –

Start a Fund – Establishing a Fund is a simple process. By initiating contact with the Brant Community Foundation, our advisors will discuss the many options available and then assist with the preparation of a Fund agreement. This agreement will be tailored to your interests. Fund names can be created in the donor’s name, in tribute to someone who the donor wishes to honour, or a descriptive name about the Fund’s purpose.

Planned Giving – Very simply, Planned Giving sets up a plan to provide for your favourite charities. It organizes the gifts that you desire to make so that your wishes will be realized. Planned gifts are arranged in the present but usually received in the future.

One-time or monthly donations – Donations of any amount are appreciated and welcomed.  Donors give to the Brant Community Foundation because:

We are local – We have deep roots in the community. We are a locally sustained registered charity existing for the benefit of donors and other charities in Brantford and Brant County.

We make a permanent difference – Gifts to the Brant Community Foundation continue working long into the future. The Brant Community Foundation was built to last. Donors can feel secure that our staff, volunteers, and investments are organized to strengthen our community in perpetuity.

We know philanthropy in Brantford and Brant County – We offer donors help in identifying effective ways to aid the community you call home. We can help you direct your giving to target specific problems (e.g. youth, saving the environment, or arts and culture) or to respond to changing needs as they arise.

We can ensure anonymity.

We make complicated gifts easy – We help donors make gifts in a cost and time effective way. It is not always efficient or feasible to establish a scholarship program or private foundation. We are able to accept a variety of assets and help donors to leave a legacy.

You can also learn about ways to give to the foundation by calling the office at (519) 756-2499.